Successful organisations are founded on people who are efficiently organised with processes and documented knowledge. Accounting manual is a critical part of the finance function of a company, as it ensures that the risk of over-reliance on a single individual does not harm the company. Accounting manual is a critical control in the overall finance function, and we believe an effective accounting manual is that which can be as dynamic as the organisation itself. We offer an in-house developed accounting manual solution that is robust as well as dynamic, detailed as well as flexible and a must for growing companies.

Why have an accounting manual?

  • Knowledge belongs to the company as it must be retained
  • Useful for training new joiners and others when there are changes in guidance or roles
  • Accounting manuals are a part of the internal control environment and help mitigate the risks of inconsistent accounting practices and knowledge loss

What do we offer?

  • About our online accounting manual
    • Hosts dynamic accounting guidance to ensure consistency in accounting practices with technical practice alerts to guide users at each step
    • Allows for real-time updates, due to changes in technical requirements and business needs
    • Flexible structure and easy to read with structured navigation links
    • Ease of use due to features such as search and query
    • Identifies training needs of each user using online tests and quizzes
    • Features an online feedback system to track change requests
    • Includes a discussion forum to discuss, document and conclude accounting matters
    • End-user updatable to minimise involvement of information technology teams
    • Capable of being integrated into the company’s intranet
    • Logs to enable tracking of usage by accounting teams
  • Our approach
    • Understanding current accounting processes
    • Documenting best practices
    • Possibility to include chart of accounts and accounting entries