Merger and Acquisition

India's merger and acquisition, private equity deal values post 79 pct fall in April


"Compared to overall deal statistics of April 2018, deal values shrunk by 79 per cent and volumes by 6 per cent," said Pankaj Chopda, Director, Grant Thornton India LLP. Compared to March 2019, April recorded an 18 per cent rise in deal volumes while values declined 32 per cent, the report said. Volumewise, there were a total of 115 M&A and PE deals, a fall of 6 per cent against 122 in April 2018. So far this year, PE deal values recorded a significant 74

per cent increase despite a 10 per cent drop in investment volumes, indicating increased average deal size. Despite muted volumes, large ticket PE/VC transactions partially offset the shortfall in overall deal values. A USD 1.1 billion investment by Tata Group, GIC and SSG Capital Management was the major contributor to the 46 per cent growth in PE/VC transaction values as compared to April 2018, the report added.

This article appeared in Devdiscourse on 30th May, 2019.