Companies in India transitioned to Ind AS in a phased manner. Likewise, companies worldwide are moving to IFRS. With Ind AS/IFRS being evolving GAAPs, there are bound to be reporting challenges for companies. Our team of professionals takes the pressure away from in-house finance teams by preparing a set of compliant financial statements:

When is a financial statement preparation service needed?

  • When the financial statements have accounting complexities like business combinations, complex financial instruments, etc.
  • When companies do not wish to maintain dedicated financial reporting teams for a task that is only annual or quarterly
  • When there are key changes in accounting guidance that trigger rehashing of the financial reporting process
  • When there are complex group structures where professional assistance is required to meet statutory timelines and to handle the size and volume
  • When the finance teams are not yet geared up to deal with speedy changes

What do we deliver and what is our approach?

  • We defining key milestones:
    • Prepare ready-to-use templates
    • Map chart of accounts
    • Make financial statement structures (including consolidation workings)
  • Key deliverables:
    • Structured templates for GAAP adjustments/major accounting computations
    • Financial reporting templates