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Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP)

In line with the World Trade Organization, Government of India is formulating a scheme for Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP). Under this scheme, a mechanism would be created for re-imbursement of taxes/duties/levies, which are not being refunded under current schemes at the central/state/local levies.

RoDTEP is based on the principle that taxes and levies borne on the exported products should be either exempted or remitted to exporters unlike the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme, an export incentive scheme.

This publication covers all aspects of the RoDTEP scheme, including its need, benefits and comparison with other existing schemes. It also provides few directional steps for the exporters to identify the possible practical challenges that may arise at the time of implementing this new proposed scheme.